


By Pastor William Y. K. Brown Ph.D
(Resident Pastor)
Seventh-day Adventist Church
Tel: 0244165628/0243310773.




SCRIPTURE: 1 Samuel 1:26-28
“[26]And she said, “O my lord! As your soul lives, my lord, I am the woman who stood by you here, praying to the Lord. [27]For this child, I prayed, and the Lord has granted me my petition which I asked of Him. [28]Therefore I also have lent him to the Lord; as long as he lives he shall be lent to the Lord.” So they worshiped the Lord there.”


A hero or heroine for the kingdom of God is unique in many ways. None who will make it to heaven will be deficient in any heavenly virtues. A study of those who have lived for God throughout the Bible times reveals some similarities and consistent lifestyles, making it evident that the chosen of God are distinct and kingdom-minded.

Whenever you read the narrative about Hannah, whose name means “grace” or “favor,” the impression one may get is that her ordeal was brief – but it was not so – she was barren for years. She endured pain and “loneliness” for years. The ridicule she faced from her rival lasted for years. We read from 1 Samuel 1:4, “And whenever the time came for Elkanah to make an offering, he would give portions to Peninnah his wife and to all her sons and daughters.” Peninnah has come into the marriage as a second wife and has given birth to sons and daughters. Generally, Bible commentators agree that Hannah was the first wife, and because she was barren, Elkanah married a second wife, Peninnah, to perpetuate his name. As he had expected, Peninnah was prolific in giving birth.
Elkanah loved Hannah, but her rival and her children made her life miserable. All these eluded her in the home setting where she was to have peace, joy, and social support. Being ridiculed and scorned, she was constantly in grief. It was sad that Peninnah did not appreciate God’s grace and, therefore, be courteous and humane towards her rival. Verse 7 reveals, “So it was, year by year, when she went up to the house of the Lord, that she provoked her; therefore she wept and did not eat.” When a person is given an opportunity, privilege, favor, or advantage, it is sane to be humble and create an atmosphere of joy for others to share in. However, what Peninnah did strengthened Hannah to depend more on God and constantly seek His face.  Beloved, when life goes awry and we appear to have failed, the solution and the positive approach to handling the situation is to pray to God. In a particular year in Shiloh, she wept before God in the temple, and God favoured her with the gift of the womb.

Hannah teaches us that in times of desperation, you have the solution in God. You do not give up but cry before God, who acts when it is appropriate for Him to do so.  Note, “And she was in bitterness of soul, and prayed to the Lord and wept in anguish.” Verse 10. Thus, kingdom virtue number one is to be prayerful – prayer demonstrates our trust in God and allows us to access God’s blessings. Prayer gives the weak strength, the sorrowing relief, and the despaired hope. Second, Hannah did not fight back.  She waited on God and allowed Him to fight the battle for her.  Patience is a virtue that every kingdom-minded person will have.  Perseverance is the next virtue espoused by Hannah. The incident toughened her and made her trust God all the time. She was convinced that God alone had the solution, and she continued to pray without giving up. We learn from her that any kingdom-billed person will suffer some affliction – the enemy will not spare you. But in every situation, be patient, persevere, wait on God, call on Him, and even weep before His presence. Sometimes, you need to let God see the anguish of your soul. “He will guard the feet of His saints. . . “For by strength, no man shall prevail.” – 1 Samuel 2:9.

SDAH 608 – “Faith is the Victory”


– Praise and thank God for His providence and care; thank God for a passing week; pray to learn from Hannah to depend constantly on God;

– Pray for couples waiting for the gift of a child in their home; pray for pregnant women and lactating mothers; pray for any woman who has been despised because she has not given birth;

– Pray for husbands who despise and maltreat their wives because they have no child; pray for extended family members who cause commotion because their relative has no child from a marriage;

– Pray for peace in our homes and respect for couples in the family; pray for God’s favor on the country and its citizens; pray for Christ to be exalted in our nation.


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