THE PREACHER: Theme, “God Who Knows No Impossibilities”



By Pastor William Y. K. Brown Ph.D

(Resident Pastor)
Seventh-day Adventist Church
Tel: 0244165628/0243310773.




SCRIPTURE: Jeremiah 32:27
“Behold, I am the Lord, the God of all flesh. Is there anything too hard for Me?”


Whenever you read or hear God referring to Himself saying: “I am the Lord,” He is making an emphatic statement about who He is – the absolute power He wields, His dominion, and unassailable might. It draws attention to His supremacy, pre-eminence, authority, and creatorship. “I am God” reminds us that there is none beyond Him – that fills us with awe and reverence because He is almighty, omnipotent, self-existent, and invincible. If you have a God who speaks and is accomplished, created the universe from nothing, and knows no impossibilities, what problem will you have that He cannot handle?

God asserts His name to give a promise, rekindle and restore hope, and build confidence and trust. One of our greatest needs and expectations as Christians is to trust God always, no matter the circumstances. He asserts His name to assure you that He is your divine helper in your struggles.  “I am the Lord” should always produce peace, joy, and contentment in you.  In Psalm 46:10, God states, “Be still, and know that I am God.” If this God is your Father, why would you cry like a person without hope and a helper?

When God decides to introduce Himself, “I am the Lord,” “I am God,” or “I AM THAT I AM,” He is inviting us to a relationship that is skewed to our favor – to bless, provide, and deliver.   Such a reference enables us to reflect and remember God’s past deeds of mercy, compassion, and deliverance and the assurance that He will continue to bless even today and into the future. We reiterate that God presents His name to get people’s attention to know and understand the One they are dealing with. He is overall. In Ephesians 4:6, Paul says, “One God and Father of all, who is above all, and through all, and in you all.” (Read also  1 Chronicles 16:25)

What an awesome experience for God to present Himself to you! The mere introduction of Himself should give you hope that it shall be well, for God will take care of you. God presents Himself as your creator, caring and loving Father, the foundation of your trust and faith. It also indicates that He is the One who does wondrous and impossible things. Jeremiah 32:17,27 reads, [17]‘Ah, Lord God! Behold, You have made the heavens and the earth by Your great power and outstretched arm. There is nothing too hard for You. [27]“Behold, I am the Lord, the God of all flesh. Is there anything too hard for Me?” The fresh and good news you have today is that there is nothing hard or complicated for God to do for you. What else can He not do for you if He gives you life? Think about it.

SDAH 506 – “A Mighty Fortress”


– Praise and thank God for His abiding presence; thank God for taking care of your needs; pray to wait on Him without wavering;

– Pray for refugees, asylum seekers, displaced people, victims of war and violence; pray for the cessation of the Israeli-Hamas; pray for the injured in the wars being fought anywhere;

– Pray for the word of God to give hope to the hopeless in society; pray for the leadership of your church and spiritual growth for all members;

– Pray for patriotism among citizens, peace, and unity in the nation; pray for low-income families, widows, and differently-abled persons; pray for the sick and grieving families.


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