A New Nationalistic Movement, “People’s Redemption Movement (PEREMO) have been officially launched in Accra.



The Political Party has Mr. Edward Adade as its Interim General Secretary with Rev. David Ampofo as it’s Interim Director of Elections.

The Movement has assured to pay all unemployed persons a monthly stipend not below Gh¢600 for a period not exceeding 3 years within which the state shall ensure their engagement in meaningful employment based on acquired skills.
PEREMO is determined to scrape the office of the Special Prosecutor, Council of State, Chief of staff and Ex Gratia payments and State vehicles for government officials.

PEREMO believes that, the Chief Justice and all Senior Justices should not be appointed by the President but rise up through the hierarchy.

The Movement is strongly against the repeal of death penalty and believes reintroduction will help the fight against crime. Indicating that a person convicted of murder shall be executed without the reference to Presidential assent.

Among the policies to be implemented when giving the mandate is to ensure expeditious, transparent and effective justice delivery where, the Office of the Attorney General, Auditor General and Inspector General of Police shall be independent of the government.

PEREMO shall launch an agricultural revolution to back the industrial drive of the country and to ensure that exports exceeds imports.

The Movement is targeting a 4 year secondary education where the first year would be a preparatory ground for choosing courses in the subsequent year.

Again, to enhance dedication professional sportsmen shall be on government payroll.

There shall be a seal on Presidential and Ministerial travels to avoid waste.

The National House of Chiefs would performed the functions of the Council of State in addition to their current mandate.

PEREMO government shall restore and replenish all the existing health facilities to acceptable standard.

PEREMO shall review all existing petroleum related contracts with foreign entities to reflect Ghana’s interest and to bring down prices of petroleum products.

There shall be national carriers for both sea and air such as the Black Star Line and the Ghana Airways Corporation.

Other policies to be implemented by People’s Redemption Movement government when it assumes office has to do with an Electoral Commissioner being a Court of Appeal Judge elected by members of the Judiciary.

PEREMO shall ensure that the District and Other Assemblies’ elections are on partisan basis.

There shall be Regional Development Corporations to accelerate each region’s pace of development.

There shall be a special development programme for the Western Region and other marginalised areas of the country.

There shall be a ban on import of all food items and retail business shall be reserved for Ghanaians only.

PEREMO shall revive all Ghana’s factories and state enterprises established in the 1st Republic whilst they build a very strong manufacturing base.


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