Dr. Kwabena Duffuor Easter Message: Let Us Rejoice In The Knowledge That Our Redeemer Lives



Today, we join Christians around the world in solemn remembrance of how Jesus Christ, our Redeemer and Saviour, shed His precious blood on Calvary so that we could be reconciled with our Father in Heaven. This Easter season, let us reinforce our commitment to living righteously for Christ and the Kingdom of God.

The triumphant entry into Jerusalem, the crucifixion, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ are what make us Christians. Therefore, Easter is not just a time for revelry, but also a time for us to strengthen our commitment to living righteously for Christ and His Kingdom.

As Christians, we must remember the message of forgiveness and reconciliation that is at the core of our faith. It is my prayer that our beloved homeland, Ghana, would always find favour in the eyes of the Lord as we commit ourseives to praying without ceasing for Him to bless us and make us great and strong.

As we reflect on the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross, let us also remember those who are suffering and in need in our communities. Let us be the hands and feet of Christ. helping those in need and sharing the hope of salvation with all. Like Christ, who suffered and emerged victorious, we too, as a nation, can overcome our present sufferings. Let us keep praying and seeking God’s intervention in our lives and in our nation.

May the humility with which Christ approached the Cross in spite of all the humiliation and suffering be our guiding principle so that we also strive to live in humble coexistence, knowing that our earthly journey is only a path to eternal glory with our Lord and King.

Wishing everyone a blessed Easter and may this Good Friday and Resurrection Sunday rekindle in us the message of salvation and the need to be ambassadors of the Kingdom in all spheres of our lives. May the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, rest and abide with us all now and always.

Indeed, our Redeemer lives!




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